Organic Gardening Advice That Everyone Should Know
Yum! There is nothing better than the taste of produce you grew in your organic garden. There is just something about it! Maybe it is a sense of accomplishment! Or, just the fact that the tomato tastes like a tomato! Needless to say, it is an accomplishment because not all gardens produce. Following are some handy tips and tricks to help your garden be a success!
Yes, you have to weed. Weeds steal nutrients from plants, robbing a garden of its potential harvest. To aid in this venture, you might want to use white vinegar. White vinegar will kill the weeds! Load up your spray bottle with some white vinegar, and spray the weeds away instead of breaking your back and removing them by hand.
If you have many potted plants, do not water them all the same way. Some plants do well with plenty of water, whereas other plants might prefer drier soil. Over-watering can do as much damage to a plant as under-watering. So, be mindful of what types of plants you have in the pots, and water them appropriately.
Create a certain mood for your garden. Just as with interior design, one of the most exciting aspects of garden design is using color to create a mood or feeling. Use soft blues and purples for a cool and soothing atmosphere, yellows for cheerfulness, and reds and oranges to create excitement. If you are uncomfortable when deciding on colors, choose plants with grey-green or silvery foliage to mix in with your flowers. They will act as a ‘buffer’ between incompatible colors and link different color schemes.
Hopefully, the above tips and tricks will help you to make a success of your organic garden! There is nothing like the taste of produce you grew in your garden. Can you taste the tomato now? Wow! You should be proud of what you accomplish! Apply the information that best suits your circumstances and tastes! Enjoy your produce!